Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Create Your Own App--with Google Sheets!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to create your own app? 

I always thought there was no way I could learn that. It was surely too hard and complicated for my life. I am here to tell you that is not true! If you can use Google Sheets, you can do this! I have used it to create apps for my Music Team, a Staff Directory for my campus, and even a documentation app for teachers to use as they are working with students. SO. COOL!

I recently presented a session about this at the TCEA Elementary Tech Conference last June. I made a few videos to demonstrate the app, so I thought I would share them here. There is also a handout to help you remember everything. So let's do this!

Let me introduce you to Glide. Here is an overview from the creators at Glide to show you how it works: 

Are you excited yet? I was! I started experimenting right away! One of the first apps I made was for our team of music teachers in the district. It included a directory of all of the teachers, a calendar of our monthly meetings, and a link to our shared library of resources. They loved it!

To create your own app, you will need to go to and create your account. Here is a video to walk you through the process: 

So, are you excited to try this out?  How can you see yourself using Glide in your own life or classroom? I would love to hear your ideas! Please share them in the comments! 

Go make something amazing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Are You Going to QuaverCon?

Hello friends!  If you are looking for some summer PD hours, or if you need some more time to learn and work with Quaver materials, I hope you are planning to attend QuaverCon.  It is a Virtual Conference taking place on July 21-22, 2020.'s FREE!

Oh, and if you're already signed up for Artie and Denise's Online Odyssey on the same dates, have no fear! QuaverCon will be available to registered participants to view after the conference. You have nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain!

Want to know more? CLICK HERE and read all about it on their website:

Award-winning Event Apps and Event Management Software | Whova

After you register, be sure to download the Whova Conference App and connect with everyone. The app is how you will gain access to the conference, but once you set up your login you can access it on your computer as well. 

I hope to see you there! Send me a "hello" in the app when you get there!