Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Prayer for Children Going Back to School

A new adventure awaits them as they prepare for school.

Excitement for new possibilities
and fear of the unknown
mingle in their hearts.

Thoughts of achievement
and thoughts of failure
slow their footsteps.

Bless all children
this day, O God.

Give them inquiring minds
and discerning hearts.
Give them courage
to persevere
in all they undertake.

Give them the gift
of joy and wonder
in all things.

Give them laughter
and love to share
with all.

Give them protection
and safety as they move
out of our embrace. And give them sure
and certain knowledge
of your unfailing love.


(borrowed from

May God bless every teacher and student as we begin a new year together. Ready for takeoff!

1 comment:

Brad Tyler said...

Amen! It's time to fly!